The new President's Platform of Government has been translated into specific policy pronouncement for each major agency of the bureaucracy. Here's the one for the DBM:
In line with the principle of zero-based budgeting, the DBM Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF) will be linked with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Performance Management system-Office Performance Evaluation System (PMS-OPES). The qualitative and quantitative measures of agency performance as well as compliance with findings of the Commission on Audit (COA) shall determine succeeding budget allocations.
1.Create a program plan for a zero-based budgeting for all national government agencies.
2.Determine the present state of the budget to see how much of the FY 2010 GAA is left.
3.Ensure that all employees and officials of the department will have their Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) available and accessible to the public.
4.Ensure that government agencies and offices will be streamlined to have clear-cut and distinct mandates in order to spur greater efficiency and accountability.
5.Work with the CSC to ensure that performances of government agencies and civil servants will be evaluated rationally and systematically through an effective and measurable performance management system to be approved by the CSC.
6.Ensure that qualification standards will be strictly followed, and at least half of the positions of Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries will be filled with honest and competent career civil servants to ensure continuity and sustainability of effective policies and programs.
7.Work with government agencies to organize, package and disseminate all budgets to the media regularly and posted in the internet for public consumption.
8.Ensure transparency in budget processes through an open information system and formation flow by:
• Posting details of all lump sum disbursements in the DBM web site
• Immediately formulating a self-imposed set of conditions for the release of appropriations charged against “unprogrammed” funds so as to eliminate abuse
9.Create a Presidential Select Committee to provide oversight over all lump sum disbursements (PDAF), contingency, calamity, AFMA, intelligence and confidential funds). This Committee should be composed of bi-partisan members of the legislature, the private sector and civil society members who shall be bound by an Oath of Confidentiality.
10.Regularly package and disseminate information on agency budgets, bidding and procurement documents and SLANs of senior government officials, to ensure transparency and accountability.
11.Ensure that the Department of Budget and Management is streamlined and rationalized to have clear-cut and distinct mandates and that qualification standards, especially on eligibility, will be strictly followed.
12.Work with the CSC to ensure that performance of government agencies and civil servants will be evaluated rationally and systematically through an effective and measurable performance management system to be approved by the CSC.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
P-Noy's Platform of Government

It's been quite sometime since my last post. The assumption of Benigno Aquino III as the country's 15th President has renewed my enthusiasm to update this site. The government's official web site ( is under reconstruction so the new president's platform of government is not yet known to many Filipinos.
So for a start, here's an excerpt:
The Vision for the Philippines:
A country with…
1. A re-awakened sense of right and wrong, through the living examples of our highest leaders;
2. An organized and widely-shared rapid expansion of our economy through a government
dedicated to honing and mobilizing our people’s skills and energies as well as the
responsible harnessing of our natural resources;
3. A collective belief that doing the right thing does not only make sense morally, but translates into economic value as well;
4. Public institutions rebuilt on the strong solidarity of our society and its communities.
Our Mission:
We will start to make these changes first in ourselves---by doing the right things, by giving value to excellence and integrity and rejecting mediocrity and dishonesty, and by giving priority to others over ourselves.
We will make these changes across many aspects of our national life.
A Commitment to Transformational Leadership:
1. From a President who tolerates corruption .. > to a President who is the nation’s first and most determined fighter of corruption.
2. From a government that merely conjures economic growth statistics that our people know to be unreal .. > to a government that prioritizes jobs that empower the people and provide them with opportunities to rise above poverty.
3. From relegating education to just one of many concerns .. > to making education the central strategy for investing in our people, reducing poverty and building national competitiveness.
4. From treating health as just another area for political patronage .. > to recognizing the advancement and protection of public health, which includes responsible parenthood, as key measures of good governance.
5. From justice that money and connections can buy .. > to a truly impartial system of institutions that deliver equal justice to rich or poor.
6. From government policies influenced by well-connected private interests .. > to a leadership that executes all the laws of the land with impartiality and decisiveness.
7. From treating the rural economy as just a source of problems, > to recognizing farms and rural enterprises as vital to achieving food security and more equitable economic growth, worthy of re-investment for sustained productivity.
8. From government anti-poverty programs that instill a dole-out mentality .. > to well-considered programs that build capacity and create opportunity among the poor and the marginalized in the country.
9. From a government that dampens private initiative and enterprise .. > to a government that creates conditions conducive to the growth and competitiveness of private businesses, big, medium and small.
10. From a government that treats its people as an export commodity and a means to earn foreign exchange, disregarding the social cost to Filipino families .. > to a government that creates jobs at home, so that working abroad will be a choice rather than a necessity; and when its citizens do choose to become OFWs, their welfare and protection will still be the government’s priority.
Government Service
11. From Presidential appointees chosen mainly out of political accommodation .. > to discerning selection based on integrity, competence and performance in serving the public good.
12. From demoralized but dedicated civil servants, military and police personnel destined for failure and frustration due to inadequate operational support .. > to professional, motivated and energized bureaucracies with adequate means to perform their public service missions.
Gender Equality
13. From a lack of concern for gender disparities and shortfalls, > to the promotion of equal gender opportunity in all spheres of public policies and programs.
Peace & Order
14. From a disjointed, short-sighted Mindanao policy that merely reacts to events and incidents .. > to one that seeks a broadly-supported just peace and will redress decades of neglect of the Moro and other peoples of Mindanao.
15. From allowing environmental blight to spoil our cities, where both the rich and the poor bear with congestion and urban decay .. > to planning alternative, inclusive urban developments where people of varying income levels are integrated in productive, healthy and safe communities.
16. From a government obsessed with exploiting the country for immediate gains to the detriment of its environment .. > to a government that will encourage sustainable use of resources to benefit the present and future generations.
This platform is a commitment to change that Filipinos can depend on. With trust in their leaders, everyone can work and build a greater future together.
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